Hear His Voice

Oh, sheep, of the Lord, who have gone astray,
Hear His voice. Come back to Him and stay.
For, this world is His pasture and we His own sheep.
Come back to Him, so in Heaven yonder we may sleep.

Hear His voice, today. He seeks, long and wide,
For each stray who has left His side.
His heart longs for all to be His very own,
So, on that glorious day, He'll take us home.

In temptation, harden not your heart, but relent
To He who is our Shepherd, to whom we can repent
To salvation, today, and take His yoke upon us.
He is our Shepherd. His name is Jesus.

Hear His voice, my brethren. Oh, heed Him, today,
And He will steer you and guide you all the way.
Beseech Him. Trust Him to forgive every sin.
He will throw them as far as the east is from the west, again.

He knows we are tired and He knows we are weak.
Let us, in asking forgiveness, His face to seek.
Let us make a joyful noise, sing Praises to His name
And Jesus will take us into His fold, without blame.

~ Pearlie Duncan Walker ~

Music "His Amazing Grace"
Used with permission  LLERRAH Music