The Prayers of A Mom A New Song
A true life Testimony
Sometimes I sit and look back on my life,
I remember the pain and remember the strife.
I didn’t know what I was looking for,
until I heard Jesus Knock at my door.
He asked to come in, but I kept saying no,
I closed the door to my heart and he said
"I won’t go,
I’ll keep on knocking until you ask me in.",
But I chose to stay in my life of sin.
I thought that I had the game of life already
I had money in my pockets and carried a gun.
The life of a gangster is what I had chose,
Selling drugs to buy new clothes, driving
new cars and going to lowrider shows.
This is what I thought life was about,
never had a worry, never a doubt,
but mom kept on saying that I was missing
the truth.
She said "I always pray for you and the youth,
Material things in the world are not all bad,
but without God in your life, your heart will
remain sad!"
I listened really close and I knew deep inside
she was right,
my happiness was a front, cause I felt lonely
and sad at night.
My mom said, "God can take all your pain away,"
but I again chose an alternative way.
Alcohol and drugs were my choice this time,
all my pain and thoughts were gone for good,
out of my mind,
but then again, that was just for a season,
the day came when I really had nothing, no
money, no cars, no home, and for what reason?
The drugs and the alcohol took over my life
and when I didn’t have them, again, came pain
and strife.
All this time my mother did pray,
and life got harder for me each and every
I was tired of life at that moment in time,
I had nothing except, pain in my heart and
a vary lost mind.
The time had come when I wanted to die,
but all I could do was just sit there and
All I remember was what my mom kept on saying
Jesus loved me, and she’ll continue praying.
I looked at the door to my heart, and started
could Jesus still be there, could he really
be waiting.
I started to cry and fell to my knees,
I shouted out loud, "God! Help me please!"
I opened the door and Jesus was still standing
with fire in his eyes and a bright blinding
glow to his hair.
Then he spoke one more time and said to me
"I love you my son, will you please let me
I asked him into my heart that day, and at
that moment,
he took all the pain and the strife in my
life away.
I fell at his feet and started to cry.
"Thank you Lord,"
I gave him my gun and he gave me a sword,
He said, "these are the words I have spoken
to you,
go forward in life and may your life be a
From that day forward I sang a new song.
"Thank you my Lord for The Prayers of a Mom!"
Author ~ Emanuel Rodriguez ~ ©1997